Faith Bible Institue
Faith Bible Institute Classes are Meeting Every Sunday at 5:00 PM
New Testament Survey – Teacher: Pastor Byford
Course Description
This class presents a study of the books of the New Testament. The survey will consider the Gospels, The book of Acts, The Pauline Epistles, The General Epistles, and the Book of Revelation.
Course Text
New Testament Survey – Broadening Your Biblical Horizons By Walter M. Dunnett
Fundamentals of Music – Teacher: Pastor Nathan
Course Description
This class presents a foundational study of the fundamentals of music. It will provide a crash-course look at how music works and how to better use God’s gift of music in our personal lives. Singing and making music is commanded by God in Ephesians 5:19, and music is a key part of church worship. Whether you have a background in music or whether this is your first step into music, Lord willing this class will enable you and equip you to better glorify God through the very important avenue of music.
Course Text
Sound of Worship By Scott Aniol