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The Lessons from the Unjust Steward

23 January 2022

Topic: Stewardship

Book: Luke

Scripture: Luke 16:1-13

The Lessons from the Unjust Steward – (Luke 16:1-13)

1. The foolishness of the steward. (Luke 16:1-2)

A. He wasted the rich man’s goods.

B. His penalty: He had to give an account to the rich man and he lost his job.

2. The wisdom of the steward. (Luke 16:3-8)

A. He took advantage of his owner’s money to endear himself to these people who owed the owner.

3. What the Lord Jesus said are the applications with this steward.

A. We need to learn from unsaved people.

B. Use money to help others.

C. Be faithful in your stewardship.