Welcome to Faith Baptist Church!

A church where the bible is preached


9:30 A.M. – Sunday School | 10:45 A.M. – Morning Service | 6:00 P.M. – Evening Service


 7:00 P.M. – Mid-Week Service

Upcoming Events

A Word From Our Pastor

Dear Friend,

With every passing year, churches continue to follow the latest fads in church growth and music. In many churches today, entertainment has become the focus of the services.

Faith Baptist Church is a church where the Bible is preached. We make no apology for the old-time religion–not stale traditionalism, but worship that reflects a deep respect for God and the Bible. Our purpose is to not major on denomination teachings, but on what the Bible says. We sincerely want to see people enjoy true satisfaction that can only come through a right relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are looking for worship and not entertainment; if you are looking for music that stirs the soul rather than the feet; if you are looking a deeper understanding of the Word of God, then Faith Baptist Church is for you.

David Byford 

Good News From

The Gospel



A Welcome From the Pastor