Directing the Conversation to the Gospel (1 Peter 3:15; Colossians 4:6; John 3:2-3; 4:6-26; Acts 26:1-28)
I. Introduction
A. My name B. My church C. My purpose
II. Secular Life
A. His work B. His family C. His background (where he comes from)
D. Current events
Consider F.O.R.M. Family Occupation Recreation Message
If simply conversing with an unsaved friend, co-worker, neighbor, relative, you may start here:
III. Religious Life
A. His church background
B. His current church relationships
C. Ask: “In your opinion what is the purpose of church?”
Answer: “Well that is true, but one of the purposes of church is to give the assurance that when we ide we will go to heaven.”
This may be a good time to share your testimony. It not, go to key questions.
IV. Key Questions
A. General Question: “If you were to die tonight are you 100 percent sure that all your sins are forgiven and that you are going to heaven? (1 John 5:13; Titus 3:5)
B. Specific Question: “If you died tonight and stood before God, and He asked you why He should let you into heaven, what would you say?”
Listen carefully how this is answered and repeat the answer.
V. Transition:
“Do you mind if I take some time to share with you how the Bible answers the questions I just asked.”
“Almost everything the Bible teaches about going to heaven can be explained in five important truths.”