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Marital Conduct that Glorifies God

19 May 2024

Series: Family Issues

Topic: Husbands, Wife

Book: Ephesians

Marital Conduct that Glorifies God (Ephesians 5:22-33; 1 Peter 2:18-3:7)

 I. Wives

– The Command: “Submit yourselves”

– The Focus of the Command: “unto your own husbands”

– The Reason for the Command: ” for the husband is the head of the wife…”

* The husband as the head

* The husband as the savior (protector)

– The Mann in Obeying the Command:

* “As unto the Lord”

* “In Everything”

 II. Husbands

– The Manner in Obeying the Command: “Love your wives”

– The Manner of Love

* As Christ Gave

* Nourishing

– The Goal of Love: “That He might sanify & cleanse”

* How? “by the Word”

* Why? “that He might present it to Himself a glorious bride”