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Three Crucial Issues of the Gospel

18 February 2024

Topic: Evangelism

Book: Romans

Scripture: Romans 1:15-16

Three Crucial Issues of the Gospel (Romans 1:15-16)

 I. Man’s Problem – All men are sinners, and sin separates us from God.

A. The essence of Sin

1. Demanding our own way (Autonomy).

2. Defying the will of God (Rebellions).

3. Being driven by selfishness to do wrong things (Unrighteousness).

B. Death Means Separation

1. Physical Death: Separation of Soul and Body.

2. Spiritual Death: Separation of My Spirit from God’s Spirit.

3. Second Death: Separation forever from the presence of God in Hell.

 II. God’s Solution – Calvary is God’s only provision for man’s sin.

A. We are not saved by our performance, but by Christ’s sacrifice.

B. Calvary is God’s ONLY provision. The work of Christ cannot be mixed with religious rites or moral obligations.

C. The saving work of Christ is finished.

 III. Our Responsibility – Exercise Saving Faith.

“Saving Faith” is claiming by personal choice and relying exclusively upon Christ’s work on the Cross to be the sufficient payment for my sin.

Saving faith involves…

A. Repentance: A sinner must recognize his need for Christ.

B. Trust: “Relying Exclusively Upon” – Salvation is ours as we depend upon or “recline in” the person and work of Jesus Christ.

C. A Choice: A person’s will is involved. The gift of salvation is available to anyone who will claim it for himself.