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Developing Discernment in Social Media – Part 2

29 September 2024

Topic: Discernment

Developing Discernment in Social Media – Part 2

Theme: Because we love God, we seek to please Him to the best of our ability.

 III. Exercising Discernment in _______________

A. _______________ of use (Ephesians 5:15-16)

1. Distracts from _______________ responsibilities (1)

2. Distracts from _______________ responsibilities

3. Distracts from _______________ responsibilities (2)

B. ________________ of use (1 Corinthians 10:31)

C. ________________ pf use (1 Corinthians 10:23; Philippians 4:8)


(1) These points taken from Reinke, Tone: 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You 

(2) See also Berg, Jim: God Is More Than Enough


Questions to ask about your posts:

1. Am I posting this t promote God or God’s Word? f yes, is this an accurate representation of God?

2. Am I posting this to promote others? If yes, is this person a good person to promote? Is what I am promoting about this person a good thing to promote?

3. Am I posting this to promote myself or my own accomplishments? If yes, don’t post it.

4. Is there anything ungodly in what I am posting or sharing? If yes, don’t post it.

Questions to ask about your browsing on social media:

1. Does my browsing promote God? Am I being encouraged to praise God? Am I being encouraged to think rightly about God and the Bible?

2. Does my browsing promote others? Do I find myself rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep? Do I belittle others? Do I judge others?

3. Is my browsing encouraging sinful thoughts, lusts, behaviors? Thoughts of pride, judgment, comparing. Lusts of immorality, covetousness, self-satisfaction. Behaviors – both behaviors while scrolling or temptation to behave in a sinful manner.

 – Questions to ask about your time spent on social media:

1. How much time am I spending?

2. What am I escaping from? Work that needs to be done? People who need to be ministered to? Thoughts that I need to engage in?